Ministry Videos

Williams Family to McAllen, Texas

One of the Williams’ daughters texted me one day asking if I had any video editing experience. Up to that point, I had only done short-form videos and one promotional video for my Sunday School class. I told her that I’d love to make it for them. So we started planning, scripting, filming, and learning along the way. And this is what we came up with together. We pray God can use this video for His glory.

Moss Family to San Francisco, California

Brooke and Oren have been working and serving at my church for years. Recently, God called them to the mission field of San Francisco. They knew I had helped with the Williams’ video and asked me to help them with their deputation video also.

Guyana Medical Missions

In August 2024, I went on a medical missions trip with BIMI Connect Trips to Guyana, South America. When filling out the application for this trip, there was a spot mentioning skills. I shared that I was a videographer and offered to make the video for the trip.

Amazon for Christ

A couple months after going on the Guyana Medical Missions Trip, Mr. Lunday (South America Director) reached out to work together on a promotional video for the mission trips.


Grace2Go is a program by River of Life Mission based in Chinatown, Honolulu. Their goal is to help the homeless community by first helping their physical needs and then sharing Christ. Grace2Go snack and toiletry bags are packed by volunteers and then donated to RoLM to distribute to the homeless community.